Heat Strike Water to achieve Mash Temp of 67°C (~6°C above strike)
Add minerals to Strike or Foundation water.
Begin mashing in. Measure the mash pH (once all the grain is added) to achieve 5.2-5.5 (adjust with 1 mL additions of 88% lactic acid, if required).
Mash at 67°C for 60 mins. Confirm no residual starches remain.
Batch sparge with 78°C water until kettle volume is achieved (or runnings SG drops below 1.010 and pH rises above 5.75).
Boil for 90 minutes adding hops and kettle finings at indicated times.
At End Of Boil, whirlpool while chilling (immersion style) or for 10 mins, stand 15 mins or until chilled to pitching temperature.
Transfer to fermenter at 13-14°C, oxygenating wort (inline or via aeration in fermenter).
Rehydrate and pitch yeast as per manufacturer's recommendations. Ferment at 13°C until 4-6 SG points (1-1.5Po) from FG, then cap the fermentation (spunding valves are great for this). Raise the fermentation set point to 16°C for at least 48hrs to diacetyl rest.
If fining:
48hrs after FG is reached, crash to 6-8°C.
Add finings after the temperature is stable. Crash to 0-1°C until cleared.
Wait for the beer to clear naturally or fine and filter as required.
Keg or bottle condition - your choice? Aim for 2.5-2.6 volumes of CO2.
We partner with you, working harder to grow and source the best grains New Zealand can offer then turning into world-class malts that enable you to brew craftier, tastier, moreish beers and whiskies.