Our Base Malts & Complementary Products

Gladfield's Specialty Malts

Gladfield Malt wants to partner with you to make exciting, delicious beers and whiskies with 100% all natural ingredients. Explore our extensive and unique malt range, and let us know if you would like a sample before you start your next batch.

Biscuit Malt

Specialty Malt

Also known as: Amber Malt

Gladfield’s Biscuit Malt is made by gently roasting kilned-dried Ale Malt. Our Biscuit Malt is ideal when used in small amounts to give a dry, toasted biscuit finish to light, mild ales and bitters where brewers do not want to add much colour. We recommend our Biscuit Malt in beer styles that call for a dry finish. ESB, Pale Ales and Mild Ales are styles that come to mind. Typical usage rates are 5–15% and are mindful that Biscuit Malt has a typical colour of 65 EBC.

Use: Add Biscuit Malt to impact a dry toasted biscuit flavour without adding much additional colour to the final beer.

Rate: Up to 15%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 5
Extract - Fine Dry (min)% 74
Wort Colour 40-80
pH 5.15
Typical Colour 65

Black Forest Rye Malt

Specialty Malt

Think of Shepherds Delight Malt, now open your mind to the possibility to brew a beer with the same great attributes that Shepherds Delight Malt offers (red colour, malty, currant and fruit cake flavours) using Rye as the grain. The possibilities are huge. Add spiciness to Old Ales, add complexity to ESB, Pale Ales, you name it. And guess what, no one in the world produces anything like this malt, so you are you in for a treat.

Use: Provides a malty, toasted, cola fla our and a deep red hue to beers.

Rate: Up to 10%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % <4.5%
Extract - Fine Dry (min) % 71
pH 4.59
Wort Colour 88

Brown Malt

Specialty Malt

Gladfield’s Brown Malt is a stronger version of our Biscuit Malt. Our Brown Malt is made from green chitted malt which imparts good amber colour build up without the astringency from husk damage. This malt gives a dry biscuit, toasted hazelnut style flavour to the beer along with nice amber colour. Brown Malt is ideal for use in Porters, Stouts, Dark Ales or Dunkels in small amounts.

Use: Brown Malt imparts a rich dry biscuit, nutty, light roasted flavour and gives the

beer a deep amber hue.

Rate: Up to 15%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 5
Extract - Fine Dry 74
Wort Colour 150-200
pH 4.81
Typical Colour 170

Chit Malt Range

High Protein Specialty Malts

The term “chitting” in malt represents the first stage of germination, where the barley has taken up enough moisture from steeping to start the magic process of converting starch into soluble sugars.

Chit malt has a particularly high level of inherent starter enzymes, which contribute significantly to improving the conversion of starch, thus increasing the yield. Precisely how Chit Malt can improve a beer’s mouthfeel and head retention results from when we kiln the malt; during the early stages of starch modification. Kilning at this point leaves long protein chains in the malt from the enzymes produced at chitting. These remain in the beer at higher levels, after fermentation.

Beers produced with Chit Malts retain higher protein content and these proteins contribute to increased levels of foam-positive proteins and improved head retention. They can also impart added mouthfeel, particularly in drier beer styles like Sours and Saisons.

Chit Malt is a great alternative to using raw adjuncts. The flavour impact in a beer is minimum if used at rates between 1-4%, with subtle green, grassy, raw grain flavours developing when used in higher percentages.

Rate: Up to 5%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

Chit Barley Malt

A great malt to achieve superior foam stability.  In our opinion a must malt to use in Sour beers, Saisons, Hazy beers and Low alcohol beers.

Light in colour and used up to 15% in a beer recipe, this malt is a good alternative for raw adjuncts.  The flavour impact in a beer is minimum with subtle green, grassy, raw grain flavour.  Use up to 7% in kettle-soured beers to improve head retention and body.  If used in conjunction with Big O Malted oats, it will help improve haze stability in NEIPAs. 

Chit Wheat Malt

Chit Wheat offers new options for your Saisons, Sours, Low alcohol beers or Hazy Pale Ales. Chit Wheat can add noticeable body and velvety mouthfeel, due to wheat’s high protein content, combined with killing it at the chitting stage. Use alone, as a substitute for raw, flaked and rolled grains or in conjunction with Chit Barley.

The higher enzymatic activity in Chit Malt can also increase mash efficiency and starch conversion rates when paired with these cheaper, unmodified cereal grains.

To Summarise

Chit Barley and Wheat are under-modified malts with high molecular weight protein contents, that can improve starch conversion rates as well as mouthfeel, body and foam stand in your next beer.

EBC Test Method Specification Specification
Chit Malt Range Chit Barley Malt Chit Wheat Malt
Moisture (max) % 10 10
pH 5.75 6.1-6.2
Colour (EBC) 2-6 2-6

Chocolate Malts

Specialty Malts

Brewers are often wary of using Chocolate Malts because they are often associated with imparting bitter, harsh and astringent flavours. These flavours are formed when the husk is burnt during the roasting process.

At Gladfield Malt, we have perfected a unique process that keeps the husk moist during the roasting process which limits these bitter and astringent flavours from forming. Gladfield’s Chocolate Malts are still darker malts, but impart smooth roast flavours to the brewed beer.

Light Chocolate Malt

Gladfield Light Chocolate Malt is a lighter version of our Dark Chocolate Malt. It is produced in a similar way but roasted to a lower temperature and has a lighter colour. This malt gives fantastic roasted and espresso coffee like flavours. A great addition to Stouts and Porters.

Use: Adds coffee, chocolate and roast flavours.

Rate: Up to 15%

Dark Chocolate Malt

Gladfield Dark Chocolate Malt is dark in colour and light on astringency due to our unique roasting technique. It has lovely coffee/chocolate aromas and is a big hit with Porter and Stout drinkers. This malt must be used fresh.

Use: Adds deep coffee, chocolate and dark roast flavours.

Rate: Up to 10%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification Specification
Chocolate Malt Range Light Chocolate Malt Dark Chocolate Malt
Moisture (max) % 4.5 4.5
Extract - Fine Dry (min)% 71 71
Wort Colour 850-1100 1200-1400
pH 5.62-5.65 5.5-5.7
Typical Colour 950 1300

Chocolate Rye Malt

Specialty Malt

Richly roasted to bring a smooth espresso creaminess to your dark beers with a touch of rye spiciness. Beautiful in a porter or oatmeal stout where the coffee spice character is particularly well matched with the roast malts. Adds a further level of complexity to Vienna Malt in a Dunkel, or even something a little uncommon to a mild or English brown.

Use: Enhance aroma and flavour characters without imparting bitterness or astringency.

Rate: Up to 1-5%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 3
Extract - Fine Dry min% 74
Wort Colour 850-1100
pH 4.84
Typical Colour 800

Crystal Malts

Specialty Malt

Crystal Malts, also known as Caramel Malts, are used to add colour, flavour and sweetness to beer. Gladfield’s Crystal Malts are made from lower to mid-range nitrogen winter or autumn barley varieties, that are soaked in water, germinated, left wet and then heated. This converts the sugars while they are still in the grain. We then roast our Crystal Malts in our high-tech purpose-built roasting drum making sure that the crystallisation process is even throughout. This gives a sweetness and even colour to the final malt.

Crystal Malts have no diastatic power, so must always be used in conjunction with a base malt. Crystal Malt can be used in varying amounts and intensities to an array of beer styles to add colour, flavour and aroma to the beer. It is important to note that our Crystal Malt must be used fresh to get the best results.

Light Crystal Malt Use: Adds mild sweet caramel flavours and body.

Medium Crystal Malt Use: Adds full sweet caramel flavours and body.

Dark Crystal Malt Use: Adds a nutty bittersweet caramel flavour and body.

Rate: Up to 25%.

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Crystal Malts Light Crystal Medium Crystal Dark Crystal
Moisture (max) % 6.5 6 6
Extract - Fine Dry (min)% 78 78 78
Wort Colour 40-70 90-130 175 - 225
pH 5.15 4.84 4.7
Typical Colour 50 105 200

Crystal Rye Malt

Specialty Malt

Wetting the rye and carefully roasting produces a remarkably delicious and complex crystal malt with a slightly spicy caramel finish and a nutty aroma. Superb in a range of beers including Pales and IPAs. Brings a new level of complexity to Golden Ryes and is fantastic in a rye lager where a little spiciness changes things up rather nicely.

Use: Adds a nutty bittersweet caramel flavour and body.

Rate: Up to 25% but as with all ryes consider adding a few rice hulls as the ratio increases to assist lautering efficiency.

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 4.5
Extract - Fine Dry min% 79
Wort Colour 50-80
pH 5.17
Typical Colour 70

Crystal Wheat

Specialty Malts

SKU available on request only

Crystal Wheat is a challenging malt to make in the roaster. The wheat grain has no husk so as you saccharify the grain in the roaster the risk of sticking to the roaster drum is high.  Doug and the team carefully play with temperatures on the roaster to allow almost 100% saccharification without compromising the flavours and most importantly the roaster!

Recommending at a ratio of 10% on a Saison would be our pick. Also, this malt would complement beer styles like Witbier and Berliner Weisse. But let's not be limited to these styles, let's experiment with any style you see fit, because, why not!?

Rate: Up to 25% but as with all Wheat consider adding a few oat hulls as the ratio increases to assist lautering efficiency.

Packaging options: 25kg or Custom Packs available

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max)% 6.0 MAX 10.0%
Wort Colour 51
pH 5.4
Protein 11.2
Brewing Parameter Specification
Yield Potential 1.021
Yield % 49.62

Eclipse Wheat Malt

Specialty Malt

Also known as: Midnight Wheat

A bitterless black malt, Gladfield’s newest malt is the best way to add the smoothest dark brown/black colour to your beers without accompanying bitterness and with a very subtle flavour contribution.

Consider Eclipse Wheat as the blackest colour malt. Use for many styles when you want to adjust for colour, while adding a delicious minor roast coffee note. You can use this in applications where you’re looking for similar colouring characteristics as Roasted Barley without the dark espresso character or potential astringency that can sometimes come from very dark barley malts. Eclipse Wheat is huskless and will not carry bitterness into your beer.

Use in higher proportions to make your black IPAs, Porters and Stouts blacker; adjust colour on your Belgians, Ales and Milds; and add depth to your Schwarzbiers. Use in place of debittered black malt and dehusked barley malts.

The subtle and smooth flavour means Eclipse Wheat is suited for a much broader range of applications than other roast malts or chocolate malts, including bringing the darkness to uncommon styles like Lagers, Wits and Saisons.

Use: 1–2% for little to no flavour contribution, minor colour adjustment;

2–6% to add more colour with very smooth roasted coffee and chocolate notes;

7–10% in a larger ratio for more definite colour adjustment, velvety-smooth subtle roast character.

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification Typical Analysis
Moisture (max) % 2.5
Extract - Fine Dry min% 74
Wort Colour 1300+
pH 4.93
Typical Colour 1400

Gladfield Golden Oat

Specialty Malt – New Release

Golden Oat Malt is our newest malt using our Big O grain. The oats are germinated in the same way as our Big O Malt, then roasted in small batches to ensure an even saccharification and colour, just as our Crystal Malt recipe. Gladfield Golden Oats are crystalised in their own husk giving you better lautering and adding a creamy texture and a beautiful orange hue colour to your beer. The availability of this malt is something we have planned for, so if you like it and want to use it on a core range beer, we will ensure to have it available for you!

Use: Adds a creamy texture and a beautiful orange hue colour to your beer.

Rate: Up to 20%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg and 25kg bags.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification Typical Analysis
Moisture (max) % Max 5 4.8
Extract – Fine Dry min% 70
Protein % 11.5
Colour (EBC) 20-25 24
Lovibond Colour (calculated) 12.18
pH 5.5
Diastatic Power 0 Linter
Brewing Parameter Result Specification
Yield Potential 1.032
Yield % 70
Coarse Fine Difference 0

RedBack Malt

Specialty Malt

RedBack Malt is a unique malt made by Gladfield Malt.

This malt is prepared using a special process before going into the roaster, and then roasted until Maillard reactions occur. The wort colour is bright with good clarity but most importantly is a lovely red hue. RedBack Malt gives a lovely malty dried fruit and toasted flavour to the finished beer.

The wonderful red colour is added to the beer without imparting an opalescence that can occur with other similar malts. RedBack Malt is also used to increase body and head retention in the finished beer due to the lower modification level and saccharification in the roaster. It can be used up to 15%, and complements a range of base malts.

Use: RedBack Malt adds malty, dried fruit and toasted flavours as well as a red hue.

Rate: Up to 15%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 6.5
Extract - Fine Dry (min) % 78
Wort Colour 60-80
pH 5.55
Typical Colour 65

Redback Wheat Malt

Specialty Malt

RedBack Wheat Malt is a unique wheat malt made by Gladfield Malt. Just like our popular Redback Malt, this malt is prepared using a special process before going into the roaster, and then roasted until Maillard reactions occur. Because the wheat does not have its husk, this style is a lot milder in flavour compared to Redback Malt. Redback Wheat will add a lot of colour to the beer without any harsh flavours.

RedBack Wheat Malt is also used to increase body and head retention in the finished beer due to the lower modification level and saccharification in the roaster. It can be used up to 15%, and complements a range of base malts.

Use: RedBack Wheat Malt adds malty, dried fruit and toasted flavours as well as a red hue.

Rate: Up to 15%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Shelf life: At least one year when stored properly in dry conditions.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 6.5
Typical Colour 65

Roasted Barley

Specialty Malt

Roasted Barley, as the name suggests, is made from unmalted barley. It has a slightly darker colour than our Gladfield Chocolate Malt range and is ideally suited for use in a Dry Stout.

Roasted Barley adds a lovely rich roast flavour and dark espresso like flavours to brewed beer. Like all roasted malts, it should be used fresh to get the best out of it.

Use: Adds a rich roast character and dark espresso like flavours.

Rate: Up to 10%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 4.5
Extract - Fine Dry 72
Wort Colour 1200-1500
pH 5.44
Typical Colour 1350

Roasted Wheat

Specialty Malt

Our Roasted Wheat Malt is produced by roasting unmalted wheat.

Using Gladfield Roasted Wheat is an excellent way to impart roasted coffee and chocolate flavours without adding any of the bitterness that can sometimes come from using Roasted Barley or Chocolate Malts. This malt is a great addition to any darker beer style.

Use: Adds light roast coffee and chocolate flavours and unique wheat impact.

Rate: Up to 15%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 4.5
Extract - Fine Dry 71
Wort Colour 450-600
pH 5.46
Typical Colour 550

Shepherds Delight Malt

Specialty Malt

Shepherds Delight is a unique malt made by Gladfield Malt.

Shepherds Delight Malt has a concentrated or intense deeper flavour than our Aurora Malt. It will provide a potent bready, toasted, cola flavour with a lingering fruity sweetness and red hue to the brewed beer. This malt should be used sparingly because it gives a powerful malt flavour to the beer similar to a decoction mash. Using too high a concentration of this malt could lead to bitterness in the final beer.

We recommend combining Shepherds Delight Malt with our Vienna Malt to give a balancing sweetness.

Beers made with Shepherds Delight favour from allowing to age for few weeks so flavour mellows out.

Use: Provides a malty, toasted, cola flavour and a deep red hue to beers.

Rate: Up to 10%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg, 500kg and 1 tonne bulk bags.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 5
Extract - Fine Dry (min) % 78
Wort Colour 300-350
pH 4.53
Typical Colour 320

Supernova Malt

Specialty Malt

Supernova Malt is a unique malt made by Gladfield Malt.

Supernova Malt is a roasted malt from Gladfield that adds nutty, toasted caramel flavours to a beer. It can be used as a replacement for traditional crystal malts to change the flavour characteristics and reduce the beers residual sweetness. We start this malt with Canterbury winter barley and take it through our germination process before it is roasted to develop flavour and colour.

This is a great malt to be used in any beer style. We have already seen it used in Pilsners and IPAs between 10–25%. We also recommend its use in an Amber Ale up to 25%, it adds a rich depth of malty flavour and really makes this style shine. It goes well in a Porter up to 10–15%, complementing the darker roast malts and adding complexity. Also great for Pale Ales for great toasty caramel flavours that won’t overtake the hops, use 5–10%.

Use: Adds toasted, caramel, nutty flavours to a beer.

Rate: Up to 25%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 6
Extract – Fine Dry (min) % 71
Wort Colour 95-135
Typical Colour 114
pH 4.85

Toffee Malt

Specialty Malt

Toffee Malt is a unique malt made by Gladfield Malt.

We make this unique malt by taking a lower to mid-range nitrogen winter or autumn barley variety, roasting the resulting malt at very low temperatures, and then caramelise the malt. The low temperature and slower roasting produces a malt with a very light colour, a chewy consistency, with honey or toffee flavours.

Our Toffee Malt is very popular. Not only does it add a wonderful malty, honey toffee flavour to lighter coloured beers but it also enhances beer stability, body and mouth feel.

Because of its high moisture content, we recommend that brewers mill the Toffee Malt mixed with other malts to avoid clogging the malt mill.

Use: Adds toffee and honey flavours and has a low colour impact.

Rate: Up to 25%

Packaging options: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg.

Gladfield Malt Best Before Statement

EBC Test Method Specification
Moisture (max) % 7.5
Extract - Fine Dry (min) % 74
Wort Colour 10-20
pH 5.42
Typical Colour 12

Can’t see what you were looking for? 

Gladfield Malt would love to work with you to create a new, exciting range of malt for your next beer. Let us know your ideas to start work on a custom malt. For more information on any malts in our range, contact Gladfield Malt. Orders can be placed online 24/7.

Talk to us about a Custom Malt
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