Gladfield Malt now offers complementary products for your convenience. Lallemand Dry Yeast and Murphy & Son Brewing Aids along with adjuncts and brewing salts. Details below. Email us for availability around your area. Most of these complementary products are available in NZ only.
For Technical Data Sheets and Safety Data sheets for Complementary Products please see below. If you require further information please contact us via Phone: +64 27 392 7543 / +64 3 3254 447 or email:
Also known as: Husks
Oat Hulls for New Zealand. Oat hulls are the outer shell layer of the oat. Inedible and normally removed from the oat, when used for brewing the hulls improve the filter bed of the mash to decrease the likelihood of a stuck mash. Oat hulls are non-fermentable and provide bulk, helping prevent the mash from settling and becoming stuck during the sparge. Hulls are generally used when making wheat or rye beers.
Please note: Gladfield does not produce this product. Only available to order in New Zealand
Packaging options: 8kg bag.
Shelf life: At least one year when stored properly in dry conditions.
Gladfield Malt can provide malting quality raw barley, wheat, rye, oats, and spelt, on request . All our grains are sourced from farms located in Canterbury, New Zealand.
The grain is screened to remove any chaff and small grains and is perfect for adding something unique to a beer or a whisky. Raw grains will also bring some unfermentable carbohydrates to the brew when unmalted, giving more body to the finished beer.
Please note: Raw grains are only available to orders within New Zealand.
Packaging options: 25kg bag (New Zealand only)
Shelf life: At least one year when stored properly in dry conditions.
Harraway’s Jumbo Oats are a versatile adjunct that we offer alongside our malt range for our customers' convenience. These wholegrain oats have been rolled into flakes that can then be added directly to the mash with base and speciality malts. Rolled oats are also effective for adding body to low alcohol beers.
ALDC is an enzyme that causes the direct decarboxylation of alpha acetolactate to acetoin, thus avoiding the production of Diacetyl and reducing maturation time. ALDC is produced from a submerged culture of Bacillus subtilis.
Amyloglucosidase 300 is an enzyme that helps to increase the fermentability of wort. This product is ideal to use for the production of highly attenuated low carbohydrate beers. It is derived from a selected strain of an Aspergillus sp
ReFoam (E900) is a silicone based emulsion which has been developed for brewing, food processing and other applications where a quick knockdown of foam is required. It can be added to the kettle, still or fermentation vessel.
Alginex is a viscous liquid formulation and is used to clear protein and some yeast from freshly fermented beer. This product is an auxiliary finings for use in conjunction with isinglass finings. In this concentrated form this product has improved shelf life and reduced storage space. It should be diluted before use to make a ready for use solution.
ABV AROMAZYME is a food-grade enzyme preparation with a strong glycosidase activity derived from a selected strain of Aspergillus niger. It is composed of β-glucosidase enzymes that are capable of hydrolysing the glycosidic bonds, liberating monoterpene alcohol compounds and glucose. It has been developed to increase the complexity of the hop aroma and flavour profile in beer. The application of ABV AROMAZYME during fermentation provides brewers with the opportunity to improve their hop utilization by releasing additional volatile aroma compounds, thereby decreasing overall hop quantities or using less sophisticated hop varieties.
BREWERS CLARITY is a product containing a highly specific fungal endopeptidase enzyme. This enzyme only cleaves in haze sensitive polypeptides at the carboxyl end of the amino acid proline.
Glucanase is produced from a non-genetically modified culture to food grade, FCC, WHO/FAO, Kosher and Halal standards. It is an FDA approved fungal β-glucanase derived from fermentations of Trichoderma longibrachiatum (formerly Trichoderma reesei). This product is a cellulase enzyme complex which is standardised on β-glucanase activity, but which also has significant side activities, containing cellulase, hemicellulase activity catalysing the endo-hydrolysis of β-glucans, 1,4 β‑glucosides and 1,4 β-xylans in barley, wheat and other cereal substrates.
Koppakleer Tablets are a refined grade carrageenan product which is added to the wort in the kettle to enhance protein removal as the wort cools. They require only a short period of boiling to disperse and can be added to the whirlpool when it is not possible to interrupt the boil or open the kettle.
PROTAFLOC GRANULES is a granular carrageenan product which is added to the wort in the kettle to enhance protein removal as the wort cools. Other applications include its use in food as a thickener, coagulant, gel formation and stabiliser.
SUPER F is a blended formulation that has been specifically designed for the rapid sedimentation of yeast, protein and other haze forming particles primarily for use in tank conditioned beer.
Servomyces D50 is a naturally zinc enriched single-strain brewing yeast (from the prestigious Hefebank Weihenstephan) that is used as a biological yeast nutrient. The propagation and drying process of Servomyces D50 has been specifically designed to accumulate a high concentration of zinc that is essential for healthy alcoholic fermentation.
ABV YeastLife O™ is the result of an intensive Research & Development work on brewing process with attention to the yeast nutritional aspect of high sugar/low nutrient based fermented beverages including hard seltzer. On top of solving nutritional requirement to avoid sluggish and stuck fermentation, YeastLife O™ has been formulated to avoid off flavour and improve mouthfeel.
YEAST VIT is supplied as a free flowing pale brown to yellow crystalline powder, which is a formulated blend of organic salts, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements along with an approved organic source of nitrogen. YEAST VIT is designed to ensure correction of nutrient deficiencies in wort.
ZETOLITE 63 is a blend of naturally occurring volcanic material and copper salts, formulated to reduce sulphidic off flavours in fermented beverages.
DEXTROSE MONOHYDRATE is a white, crystalline sugar, commercially obtained from the complete hydrolysis of maize starch. Complies to EP standards.
SureStartTM Refined Edible Lactose monohydrate is a crystalline dairy product obtained from cheese or protein permeates. The product has been processed through a double crystallising process to achieve high levels of purity. It can be milled or sieved into a number of mesh grades.
AVONDEX 10 is a low DE maltodextrin produced by the controlled hydrolysis of maize starch.
Rolled Wheat is traditionally cleaned wheat, that has been steamed and rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers.
Rolled Oats are traditionally dehulled oat groats, that have been steamed to denature the enzymes and rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers.
Most chemical food ingredients are labelled with a “Best Before” date as a requirement of Food Safety Legislation. Many of the chemicals thus labelled are inert chemical minerals, the properties of which do not change over time; provided that they are stored inside, away from moisture and direct sunlight.
Wide industrial use as whiting filler in paints, putty, plastics, rubber. Available in a wide range of trade names and fineness grades. Source of lime, quicklime. Used to neutralise acids in waste treatment. Coarse ground limestone is used in agriculture as Garden Lime (misnomer).
Ground Gypsum Superfine White conforms to the specifications listed below when tested in accordance with the methods outlined in the Food Chemicals Codex.
Colourless, Crystalline, free flowing odourless. Taste, cool, saline & bitter. Effloresces in warm dry air.
Abbaye is an ale yeast of Belgian origin. Selected for its ability to ferment Belgian style beers ranging from low to high alcohol, Abbaye produces the spiciness and fruitiness typical of Belgian and Trappist style ales. When fermented at higher temperatures, typical flavors and aromas include tropical, spicy and banana. At lower temperatures, Abbaye produces darker fruit aromas and flavors of raisin, date and fig. Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Belgian White, Belgian Blonde, Belgian Golden, Dubbel, Tripel, and Quad.
Belle Saison is a Belgian-style ale yeast selected specifically for its ability to create Saison-style beers. Belle Saison is a diastaticus strain that allows the brewers to achieve the high attenuation characteristic of this classic style. Designed for warm-temperature fermentation true to traditional “Farmhouse” production methods, beers brewed with Belle Saison are fruity, spicy and refreshing.
BRY-97 is an American West Coast-style ale yeast that was selected from the Siebel Institute Culture Collection for its ability to produce high quality ales. BRY-97 is a neutral strain with a high flocculation ability that can be used to make a wide variety of American-style beers. Through expression of a β-glucosidase enzyme, BRY-97 can promote hop biotransformation and accentuate hop flavor and aroma. Traditional ales made with BRY-97 include but are certainly not limited to Cream Ale, American Wheat, Scotch Ale, American Pale Ale, American Amber, American Brown, American IPA, American Stout, Russian Imperial Stout, Imperial IPA, Roggen/Rye, Old Ale and American Barleywine.
Diamond Lager yeast is a true lager strain originating in Germany. Diamond Lager yeast delivers excellent fermentation performance, and has the ability to produce clean, authentic lagers. Traditional styles brewed with the Diamond include but are not limited to Munich Helles, Dortmunder Export, German Pilsner, Bohemian Pilsner, American Pilsner, Vienna Lager, Oktoberfest/Märzen, Dark American Lager, Munich Dunkel, Schwarzbier, Traditional Bock, Doppelbock, Eisbock and California Common.
This non-diastaticus hybrid strain has been selected to produce traditional Saison-Style flavors and aroma when brewing beautiful all-year-round dry farmhouse beers. This hybrid strain is STA1-negative, non-GMO, and will not contribute to the cross-contamination risks associated with typical Saison strains.
Robust, Reliable and Neutral. Useful for a wide range of applications, including wine and fruit cider fermentations. A yeast selected in the Champagne region for its excellent properties in producing base wine for Champagne as well as “in-bottle” secondary fermentation. Lalvin EC 1118® is known for its robust and reliable fermentation kinetics. Its sensory contribution is considered neutral, as it gives very little yeast sensory contribution to the wine. It is used extensively in the world for the production both white and red wines.
LalBrew Munich Classic™ is a Bavarian wheat beer strain selected from the Doemens Culture Collection. It imparts the spicy and fruity aroma profile typical of German wheat beer styles. This strain is simple to use over a wide range of recipe variations and fermentation conditions, making it a great choice for a number of traditional styles of wheat beer. A true top-cropping yeast, LalBrew Munich Classic™ can be skimmed off the top of classic open fermentation vessels in the traditional manner. Styles brewed with LalBrew Munich Classic™ include but are not limited to Weizen/Weissbier, Dunkelweizen and Weizenbock.
LalBrewTM New England is an ale strain selected specifically for its ability to produce a unique fruit-forward ester profile desired in East Coast styles of beer. A typical fermentation with LalBrewTM New England will produce tropical and fruity esters, notably stone fruits like peach. Through expression of a β-glucosidase enzyme, LalBrewTM New England can promote hop biotransformation and accentuate hop flavor and aroma. LalBrewTM New England exhibits medium to high attenuation with medium flocculation, making it a perfect choice for East Coast style ales.
Nottingham is an English style ale yeast selected for its high performance and versatility for a wide variety of styles and fermentation conditions. Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Pale Ales, Ambers, Porters, Stouts and Barleywines. In addition to these traditional styles, Nottingham can be used to produce Golden Ale, Kölsch, Lager-style beers, IPA, and Imperial Stout, among many others. Nottingham is a relatively neutral ale strain that is stress tolerant making it a good choice for high gravity, sour and other challenging fermentation conditions.
LalBrew NovaLager™ is a true bottom-fermenting Saccharomyces pastorianus hybrid from the novel Group III lineage that has been selected to produce clean lager beers with distinct flavor characteristics and superior fermentation performance. LalBrew NovaLager™ is a robust lager strain with ideal characteristics for lager beer production including fast fermentations, high attenuation. The distinct flavor profile is very clean, slight esters over a wide temperature range. LalBrew NovaLager™ was selected using classical and non-GMO breeding methods to obtain a novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae x Saccharomyces eubayanus hybrid strain that defines a novel Group III (Renaissance) lager lineage that is distinct from any other traditional Saccharomyces pastorianus strains. This strain is a low VDK/diacetyl producer and utilizes patented technology from the University of California Davis (USA) that inhibits the production of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) off-flavors, therefore reducing the maturation time associated with lager beer production.
LalBrew Pomona™ is a hybrid yeast that was selected for flavor and fermentation performance in hoppy beers. Named after the goddess of fruit trees, LalBrew Pomona™ produces a unique and juicy flavor profile with notes of peach, citrus, and tropical fruits. This strain was developed by our partner Escarpment Laboratories (Canada) using advanced yeast breeding and adaptive laboratory evolution in high ABV and highly hopped IPA fermentations. The result is a fruity, stress-tolerant, and robust strain that enhances biotransformation and haze for modern IPA styles.
LalBrew® Verdant IPA was specially selected in collaboration with Verdant Brewing Co. (UK) for its ability to produce a variety of hop-forward and malty beers. Prominent notes of apricot and undertones of tropical fruit and citrus merge seamlessly with hop aromas. With medium-high attenuation, LalBrew® Verdant IPA leaves a soft and balanced malt profile with slightly more body than a typical American IPA yeast strain. This highly versatile strain is well suited for a variety of beer styles including NEIPA, English IPA, American Pale, English Bitter, Sweet Stout and Sours.
Kveik is a Norwegian word meaning yeast. In the Norwegian farmhouse tradition, kveik was preserved by drying and passed from generation to generation. Kveik is the original, traditional dried yeast! The LalBrew® Voss strain was obtained from Sigmund Gjernes (Voss, Norway), who has maintained this culture using traditional methods since the 1980’s and generously shared it with the wider brewing community. LalBrew® Voss supports a wide range of fermentation temperatures between 25-40°C (77-104°F) with a very high optimal range of 35-40°C (95-104°F). Very fast fermentations are achieved within the optimal temperature range with full attenuation typically achieved within 2-3 days. The flavor profile is consistent across the entire temperature range: neutral with subtle fruity notes of orange and citrus. Flocculation is very high producing clear beers without filtration or use of process aids.
WildBrew Philly Sour™ is a unique species of Lachancea selected from nature by University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, PA, USA (Patent pending N° PCT/US20 18/043 148). WildBrew Philly Sour™ produces moderate amounts of lactic acid in addition to ethanol in one simple fermentation step. This first yeast in the WildBrew™ series is a great choice for innovative, sessionable sour beers with refreshing acidity and notes of stone fruit. With high attenuation, high flocculation and good head retention, WildBrew Philly Sour™ is an ideal yeast for traditional styles such as Berliner Weiss, Gose, American Lambic Style, American Wild Ales and its resistance to hops make it perfect for Sour IPA’s.
WildBrew™ Sour Pitch is a high-performance, high-purity lactic acid bacteria specifically selected for its ability to produce a wide range of sour beer styles. WildBrew™ Sour Pitch produces a clean and balanced citrus flavor profile typical of both traditional and modern sour beer styles. When inoculated at optimal temperature and the right conditions, it is a powerful, safe and easy way to handle bacteria for various beer souring techniques, such as a typical kettle souring process. Besides providing an outstanding performance, WildBrew™ Sour Pitch is capable of delivering consistent results for brewers. Styles brewed with this bacteria include, but are not limited to, Berliner Weisse, Gose, lambic-style, American Wild, and Sour IPA.
Windsor ale yeast is a true English strain that produces a balanced fruity aroma and imparts a slight fresh yeasty flavor. Beers created with Windsor are usually described as full-bodied, fruity English ales. Brewers choose Windsor to produce beers that range from Pale Ale to Porter with moderate alcohol levels and the flavor and aroma characteristics of the best traditional ales. Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Milds, Bitters, Irish Reds, English Brown ales, Porters and Sweet Stouts.
LalBrew® Wit yeast is a relatively neutral strain which can be used to produce a wide variety of Wheat beer styles. Esters and phenol production is lower than for traditional hefeweizen strains such as Munich Classic. Wit provides a baseline profile of banana and spice aromas, but leaves space for the brewer to showcase other spice additions. Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Belgian White, American Wheat, Berliner Weiss, Gose, Hefeweizen, Dunkelweis, and Weizenbock.
This Safety Data Sheet covers the 3 yeast strains: Saccharomyces cerexisiae, Metschnikowia pulcherrima and Torulaspora delbrueckii.