How lucky are we for the vast range of

grains New Zealand has to offer.

Here are the latest limited release products

we have managed to source.

Raw Spelt in 25kg bags

Spelt is a hard-grained heirloom wheat, with genes going back to cultivars planted in Neolithic times in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East. Its scientific name is Triticum spelta. Spelt is the result crossed between Emmer (Triticum dicoccum) and wild greases in Mesopotamia some 10,000 years ago.

This high protein ancient grain has been grown in New Zealand in the Canterbury fields. The grain is screened to remove any chaff and small grains and is perfect for Dinkelbiers, Saison, Farmhouse ales and hazy PAs or IPAs.

Today, interest in ancient grains is rising, and craft brewers are starting to rediscover spelt.

Spelt has a much higher protein content than wheat or barley, and thus requires some additional attention. This higher protein content also increases the foam formation of the head in a finished beer. Spelt can have up to 17% protein while typical malted wheat tops out around 13%.

Roast Buckwheat in 25kg bags

Buckwheat is a flowering seed related to sorrel, knotweed, and rhubarb. 

It has a higher gelatinization point (75-95ᴼC) compared to barley, which allows it to create a stable haze, increase head retention and provide a velvety mouthfeel.

With nutty like character, seating at 54 EBC this gluten free adjunct is versatile to fit a vast range of beers.

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